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Affiliate-Marketing und Markenbotschafter

Bei O2 Armor verstehen wir die Kraft der Zusammenarbeit. Deshalb betreiben wir ein aktives Affiliate-Marketing-Programm und sind immer auf der Suche nach leidenschaftlichen Markenbotschaftern, die unsere Vision teilen.

Wenn Sie von unserer Community und unserem Produkt inspiriert sind und sich vorstellen können, die Marke O2 Armor zu repräsentieren, würden wir uns freuen, von Ihnen zu hören. Egal, ob Sie Content-Ersteller, Branchenprofi oder einfach nur ein glühender Verfechter sauberer Atmung sind, in unserer Community gibt es einen Platz für Sie. Sind Sie an einem Zusammenschluss interessiert? Schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail an Lassen Sie uns zusammenarbeiten, um jeden Atemzug sauberer und sicherer zu machen.


What is the O2 Armor Affiliate Program?

The O2 Armor Affiliate Program is a partnership opportunity for individuals who want to promote O2 Armor products. Affiliates earn a 15% commission by referring customers to O2 Armor products through unique affiliate links.

Who can become an O2 Armor affiliate?

Our program is open to anyone interested in promoting healthier breathing solutions, including bloggers, influencers, health professionals, and enthusiasts in the wellness space–no previous affiliate experience is required.

How do I apply to become an affiliate?

Simply fill out the application form on our website. We'll review your application to ensure a good fit with our brand and mission.

How are affiliate commissions calculated and paid?

Commissions are a percentage of sales made through your unique affiliate links. Commissions are scheduled to be paid out once monthly after meeting the minimum commission threshold of $20.

Are there any restrictions on how I can promote O2 Armor products?

Yes, affiliates must adhere to our affiliate guidelines and avoid negative marketing tactics or making unsubstantiated claims about our products. Full details are provided in our affiliate guidelines.

Can I use O2 Armor logos and images for promotion?

Yes, affiliates are granted access to official O2 Armor branding materials, but these must not be altered in any way.

Is there a minimum sales requirement to remain in the program?

Currently, there is no strict minimum sales requirement, but we encourage active promotion of our products.

How can I track my sales and commissions?

Affiliates have access to a dashboard where they can monitor their referrals, sales, and earnings in real time.

What happens if I don’t adhere to the terms of the agreement?

Non-compliance with the agreement can result in the termination of your affiliate status and forfeiture of outstanding commissions.

Can I offer discounts or special deals to my audience?

Any promotional offers must be approved by O2 Armor. Unauthorized promotions or discounts are not permitted.

Where can I get more information or assistance?

For more information or assistance, please contact our affiliate support team at